9 Mayıs 2011 Pazartesi

Would You Have Triumphed in a Pokies Jackpot should you Sticked?

Maybe you have been in a casino playing a casino game of pokies after which as you woke up and another person took your spot found that they won the jackpot on the very first spin?

Frankly speaking, in case you play pokies and slots long enough something like this really is eventually going to take place, and the first question that runs through most people’s minds is: Would I have won the jackpot only had stayed and played only one more round?

To clear up for you for good the answer is: No you almost certainly would have not.

Understanding the Pokies Random Number Generator

Ultimately, the reason why you would not have won a pokies and slots jackpot even if you had stayed on, in the event the guy or girl who sat in the seat when you did, is caused by the random number generator that is at the heart of every pokies machine.

Due to the fact pokies and online pokies machines nowadays derive from this generator and never an actual mechanical reel that ‘spins’ physically - it does not mean that exactly the same outcome would have existed should you have had stayed on.

All thing said and done, the results is entirely random along with the only way you might have actually won the jackpot is if you had stayed on and also pressed the button on the exact same time because the other person did.

Mind you, in this case the same time has to be a precise factor. This means that you need to press the button to the pokies machine at the precise microsecond that it was pressed with the other guy.

Of course, realistically speaking that isn’t a good possibility. Your odds of you hitting the spin button with the exact same microsecond because the other person did are astronomical - and to be hones you’d have a better probability of winning 10 jackpots uninterruptedly.

That being said, you’re probably still not able to help but wonder ‘what if’ you’d stayed on and also, somehow, against every one of the odds, pushed that button in the exact same microsecond.

Unfortunately, which is just one of the numerous things about pokies that is certainly outside your control. Regardless how much you wish you were in the other person’s shoes, the simple fact of the matter is you aren’t.

Instead of thinking about ‘what ifs’ you’d be better off emphasizing what should really matter about pokies - the fun of the game. Do this and no matter what happens, you’ll always find yourself a winner with regards to slots.

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